On the future of CareMongering:
We came together at the start of the pandemic to try and figure out how to get food to people who couldn't leave their homes or who struggle with food insecurity because of our inadequate welfare systems. Most of us who started CareMongering are young people who were also feeling the pressures of the pandemic. From March to June, multiple of us spent countless full time hours trying to figure out the best way to keep people safe and make sure they were fed.
When we started, we realized that the Facebook group with 7,000 people in it offering to help each other out could increase transmission rates, and decided to develop a grocery delivery system. In a few weeks, with support of community and countless volunteers, as well as feedback from the community on the best ways to structure (from sanitation process, to what to include in kits, to financial recording systems and where to physically move), we were able to support 100 families a week with food & sanitation supplies.
When the need to combat police violence picked up in June, many of the core organizers struggled with being present for both CareMongering work and that work at the same time. We didn’t stop to think about sustainability, capacity, and also what happens when volunteers begin returning back to work. This left a lot of pressure 1 core Admin volunteer, and later-- through DJNO funds-- 2 staff to run a system that once had a lot more internal support. Lastly, multiple organizations in Hamilton began a food delivery system in June, causing the number of requests we were receiving to decline.
We’ve decided to pause CareMongering efforts for a few weeks so that we can restructure it, so that it can be sustainable and meet the evolving needs of the community, so that it can support community involvement and limit burn out.
Thank you to New Vision United Church for allowing us to use your space and to the many volunteers and community members who have supported us this far.
If you're interested in supporting the restructuring of this work, sign up here
Please see below for a list of resources you can use to access food:
Blue Door Food Pantry @Hamilton Dream Center
Phone: 905-527-8605
Website: www.hamiltondreamcenter.ca
East Hamilton Food Centre @Mission Services of Hamilton
Phone: 905-574-6201
Email: ehfc@mission-services.com
Website: www.mission-services.com
Emergency food and clothing bank @Good Shepherd Centres
Phone: 905-972-9485 press option 1
Email: info@gsch.ca
Emergency Food Pantry @Eva Rothwell Centre
Phone: 905-526-1558 x419
Website: www.evarothwell.ca
Emergency Food Program @Parkview Church
Phone: 905-574-6917
Website: www.parkviewchurchhamilton.ca/food/
Emergency Outreach Program @Native Women's Centre
Phone: 905-664-1114
Email: eow1@nativewomenscentre.com
Website: www.nativewomenscentre.com
Flamborough Food Bank
Phone: 905-690-1036
Email: flamborough1@hotmail.com
Website: carlisleuc.ca/flamborough-food-bank
Food Bank @All Nations Full Gospel Church
Phone: 416-667-9333
Email: info.hamilton@anfgc.org
Website: www.anfgc.org/
Food Bank @Ancaster Community Services
Phone: 905-648-6675
Email: AncasterCommunityServices@gmail.com
Food Bank @Hamilton Jewish Family Services
Phone: 905-627-9922
Email: alexis.jss@gmail.com
Website: www.hamiltonjss.com/
Food Bank @Restoration House Hamilton
Phone: 905-527-1622
Email: office@restorationhouse.ca
Website: www.restorationhouse.ca
Food Bank @Salvation Army
Phone: 905-627-0572
Website: www.salvationarmy.ca
Food Bank @Welcome Inn Community Centre
Phone: 905-525-5824
Email: info@welcomeinn.ca
Website: welcomeinn.ca/food-bank/
Food Bank and Emergency Services @Neighbour to Neighbour Centre
Phone: 905-574-1334
Email: warehouse@n2ncentre.com
Food Pantry @King's Way Outreach Centre (The)
Phone: 905-296-9473
Email: a.laffrenier@alifeatatime.com
Website: alifeatatime.com
Food With Grace @Grace Anglican Church Waterdown
Phone: 905-689-6715 x80
Email: foodwgrace@graceanglicanwaterdown.org
Giving Cupboard @Crown Point Community Church
Phone: 905-545-2002
Email: churchoffice@crownpointcommunity.ca
Website: www.crownpointcommunity.ca
Glanbrook Community Food Bank @Christ Church Woodburn
Phone: 905-692-3781
Email: woodburnanglican@rogers.com
Good Food Centre @Mission Services of Hamilton
Phone: 905-528-4212
Email: communityservices@mission-services.com
Website: www.mission-services.com
Hamilton East Campus Food Bank @Seventh Day Adventist Church, East Hamilton
Phone: 905-545-6180
Email: acs4hamiltoneast@cogeco.net
Website: www.hamiltoneastsda.org/
Infant Formula and Diaper Bank @Essential Aid and Family Services
Phone: 289-799-9514
Email: info@essentialaid.ca
Website: www.essentialaid.ca
Niwasa Food Bank @Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg
Phone: 905-549-4884
Email: office@niwasa.ca
Website: niwasa.ca/food-bank/
Resource Centre & Food Bank @ICNA Relief Canada
Phone: 289-780-8901
Email: hamiltonfb@icnareliefcanada.ca
Website: www.icnareliefcanada.ca
Stacey's Place Youth Food Bank and Rock Shop @Living Rock Ministries
Phone: 905-528-7625 x259
Email: mail@livingrock.ca
Website: www.livingrock.ca
Disability Justice Network of Ontario (DJNO)
Erich's Cupboard
Hamilton Student Mobilization Network
Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion