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I am a compassionate women and I love to keep everyone around me happy. I live every moment of my life with a smile and stay positive. I’m in school right now studying social work.

Samantha Santaro

Samantha (she/her) is a budding abolitionist and avid volunteer who is immensely passionate about disability justice and the eradication of ableism and all oppressive systems, practices, ideologies, and policies. She is also an environmental and social justice advocate and views all community-driven and community-led work that centres those who are most impacted by different systems and issues as integral to the construction of a better world. She loves being involved in any and all work that aims to create a world in which all carceral systems are abolished and that meaningfully and intentionally incorporates an intersectional lens. In her spare time, you can find her on her bookish Instagram page (@readingtoabetterworld), cooking, hanging out with her dog (Wally), reading, and reteaching herself the piano.

Miéchéllè Ma

Miéchéllè Ma is a multidisciplinary artivist, facilitator collaborating in wellness, culturally affirming healing in consulting transforming and law clerk, conscious truthteller, and recycling surface collector for creations exploring and honouring relationships of power and disposable relations in our lives. Through mindful, deep curiosity and embodying techniques, her mediums combine tangible theatre, digital and physical collaging with signing and various languages decentering dominance, and interactive storytelling returning ancestor's wisdom. Her work involves themes of mixed racialized intersecting identities and radical empathy from futurism vision, creating worlds where cultures and histories are embedded at the intersection of community care with the earth, disability justice, and neurodiversity.

Sara Hashemi

My name is Sara (She/Her), and I’m a student based in Toronto, Ontario. My lived experiences with the mental health system have led me to develop a passion for Disability Justice, which is also how I came to learn about the Disability Justice Network of Ontario (DJNO). I love writing poetry, reading, and photography.

Zahra Abdullah

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